Video index
A. Convene, Roll Call - March 3, 2014, 7:00 p.m.
B. Approve Agenda
C. Host School - Sandy Dennehy, Principal, Keller Elementary School
D. Recognition - Assistance League of the Eastside and Proclamation - Classified School Employee Week, March 10-14, 2014
E. Public Comment
F. Consent Agenda
G. Non-Consent Agenda
H. Superintendent Report
Janen - enrollment projecdtions - 2012-13 - many students going to be in the proejcts are in the system right now - seeing bigger incoming classes than we are exiting students in high school Thischart shows compairson of enrollment projectiosn vs. current capacity Reviewed enollment ccapacity by learning community Enrollment has been gorwing - 2012-13 enrollment was 25,309 and 13-14 26,089 - 4000 more students expected by 201-22 - 8 ears from now - monitors King County irths, tracks all development,uses a formula to determine number of students to expect State funding for ADK expectedto increase space needed. Traci - Project rationale - Chirs - Overcrowding now or int he next 8 years Janene - next four years LWHS Addition - new schol built in 2011 and now being considered for addition - Facility planning for new school occurred prior to grade reconfiguratoin to four year high schools - movement to four year high schools reduced the need for additional elementary school - we would have needed seven new elementary schools vs,. three had we not reconfigured Facility was designed with future expansion in mind. Traci - Stem - one piece of data helpful to share demand we expereienced for CHOICE schools - this year's data secondary school 2,408 applications for 438 spots. So conintues to be desire for these rprograms and move to the next slide - opened the new STEM on eastside who that school is serving - looked at number of appliancants applied from each high school - STEM is curenlty serving more students on tghe eastside. This will provide equity and access. We were building STEM program s in all of our schools. Ju
Juantia was biklt in 1971 - STEM school to be located on JHS campus, Building study resutls - current bilding has 26,000 fewer than ed spec, remodeling ot meet current ed spec would be dififuclt - remodeling would require numerosu moves and phasing resulting in grealty extended timelien and would limi substntial improvement to ubs and parking footprints. Traci - as we talk modernization studies are done before moderniztion to bild new schol or remodel current school is the best way to go . This new in lieu study being referenced here an why that study shows remodeling JHS would be challening and rebuilding would be the way to go. Jackie not talking non knowledged person - very important o me on this important school - buildings shoudl last another 40-60 years - remember some of the schools built weren't bilt to last that long- conversatiosn comparing rebuilding fo ryour home that old - wear and tear can compare a house - have the conersation public faciliteis similar type of use and activity compared ot a person's home - permits ahve changes a lot d - just watching show house odernized digging find osmething you didn't have budget change - asbestos - so all that comes into play - we do and have maintain JHS and levy dollars put in ther emany times over the last 10 years leakingk flat roof - adddress heat issue s- elecricity is not adequate an dcommunal spaces are not sufficient - all that said take all tha tinto place int he facility itself and evaluate from that standpoint - we we can compare house with publci faciliteis - I believe in keepign old buliding sas long as you can - reach a point can't fix it any nmore - ,. Mark - open campus - redo it Nancy - open concept in 70's when if it wasn't for the Board of Health no windows - as few as they can get away - open concept di not work - threw up walls - heating ventiliatoin doesn't accommodate that - we bilt blidings cheap on this four phase modernisaiotn plan in the past bildings were built 20 year program and 30 year proram - poor design flat roofs - area cost allowances state uses as funding formula do not reflect realty for any one inthe school - because the state not enough money to fund capital needs for the state comes up with formla to help with allocation - Not district receive a lot of capital supprot fromt he sate - but do not receive a lot - many parts of the stat so economica depressed they need more support from the sate. Siri - JLC has to be slide - has to be right now is Janene - 1100 for the enrollment Siir - and portbles for th erest Janene - STEM 600 and 400 growth - Siri - current overcrowding and future enrollmenta tthe same tiem Janene - between LWHS and rebuilding of LWHS and STEM would address within those two learning communitieis - 500 at LWHS, and 300 at JHS and 600at STEM. Chris - can't remodel to standards and laod bearing - could think current ed specs Nancy - current remodel bring it to code - Nancy - each school is looked at for remoddl vs. new in lieu - have to protect students and staff during remodel- Traci - this idea further analyis - focus on our immediate needs $404 million and to deter the longer term needs for a future 2018 bond measure - Janene - History modernizxatoin phases - in 1997 a systematic issues we had with adingh building and devloped plan systematic sound and each bilding every 30 to 40 years for potential pdating. The school district divided into four 8 year pahses. This was a citizen develope process - Reviewed origianl modernizatil schedule - 8 year chucks of time - 1/2 nodernized and the resut of our schools that aren't - 1/2 through a four phase scheduled developed in 1997 to look ahead at all o four schools - 1;2 through that - Complete a promise or pathway to modernize our schools. In 1997 a community process informed the scope and timeline for determining appraoch to modernization - developed an educational specificatoin - standarrd of service - process determined that we need to fdo more than just warm safe and dry - this helped shape the modernizatoin program to fdate. Traci - two part option two providing further analzyi on an opportunity to do the projects we described in April 2014 measure and defer tose needs to 2018 opportunity to reenage the community, revaluate our histroic apprao h and ensure alignment to our strategic goals as an organization. Traci -why TDB amount - because if we conduct a procvess and community engagement determine our approach to a further project pont' have an estatimed amount ther - we stlll have th eprojects to be neeeded - now step back to April 2014 - the first part of the two phase and talk about the cost behind it and implications of that 404 million.
Siri - # for RHS - Janene - chart shows progression of feeder pattern as establishe d- variancves can affect - doesn't show the number of students that variancesd into RHS. Siris Janene - will need to rebalance the district and help to blance the high schools - Siri - fix the slide - permanent and Janene - slide isn't updated for the current year Nancy - RHS does not need additional work before Janen reboudnarying an daddiutioanls sort in STEM East for additional sutdnes Mark - how muchg more money will it cost us by delayhiing these projects Janene - running bond measure - april allows us to stay on schedule - two projects - assuming 2018 measure an doutcome projects in that timeframe could still maintain the same schedule as we had - chunking ask into two sections - EHS nd STEM would be delayed and International focused School - Nancy - everythign goes up and how much you can origianlly handle Janene - slight inflationary increase 2 years - Determination if new in lieu vesus moderniaion . Nancy OSPI regulates all of it - ed specs - gets revise with each bond - and community process built on that - question Chris - opporrtuntiy revise the role o frenovation in the district - what is our comitment - started I hve done it more than one time - we can course correct - opportunity to reveist and rework - Traci - this timeliune option 2 in two parts an opportunity keep origianl timeline focus first on the schools for growth and than to reconven some communityh process how to approach modernization and accomplish the resto f the projects -
Mark -have concern any feedback - splitting the bond - get the cost down - if you split the bond perception that we are being disengenious in th edollar amoutn we asked for - that is my concern - Traci - how we frame it - look at our needs for the enxt 8 years - dollar amount was just too high - our needs haven't changed - accomplish the dollar amount iwll change accomplish the samne projects in the smae timeline but ask for the funding in two seaparte chunks and oopportunity to look at those moderniation schedule - look at the proejcts 2018 and to do cost analysis - so I think it is educatoin piece and how our framing i t- our needs havne't changed - saying this is what we need to accomplish the first four years - these are th the projects in four years - pretty soon for th enext 8 years do it in two separate asks. Marlk - intereste rates are low and cost of bonds - it will cost more int he future Janene - under the municipal bond rules we can oly sale the bonds within three years 85% of what we think we wil psend in three years - federal laws prevent you from selling 155 bond issue selling them all tomorrow and banking tha tmoney - have to sell tham as you go. Han
Janene - Cost Analysis - Updates Assessed Value (AV) Assumptions - Traci - If April measure fails - another measure couold not be run in 2014. Immediate steps to determine how to house students - reduce or eliminate all day K double shifting K-12 add additional portables chagne delivery models districtwide boundary process change to school year calendar (year round_ Other
Chris - no matter what we will have to redo boundary Traci - yes that is corect - syaing we would not have to reboudnary - but we could take a look at some otpion s there - these are al.l just options - Stufents are comin and need to provided education for sudents come to us. Jackiei - how many schools are closed to variances - Jackie - one or two - ] Jackie - how many schools are on open list - 7 elementary and three middle schools are open to varianes to a shcool do not live in geographic attendance are. traci - on an annual basis how that is deteremined Janene - explained process of updating open and closed school list - Chris - 27 elementary 20 of them are locse4d - 7 MS and only 3 MS are open - and numbers are growing by 500 schools annually four year projectiosn puts all of them closed - We are addinhg an elementary school to our district each year. Horrific things if we can't build more schools. Jackie -huge community use of our bildings - and we want them - this is their taxes and should ahve access - anytie to schedule fall back - not enough meetinh place for all the groups need to get togetrher to do their business - huge imact ont eh community lost some of the ability to use th espace if some of these remedies have to come to frutiion Nancy - some shoul dhave larger class sizes -most people fdo not and the state movign toward even smaller space class size - like with ADK or wantinh to required more PE requires more facilities - Traci - to keep to the timelien how to spend more dollars and look at the work session we need to spend $21 million of planing if we waited until november - to stay on schedule -
Siri -what is the overall capacity number we are providng int he new revised - we have portables - for elementary school will it take care of portables on current properyt or still a componetn here to address - in RLC - 1100 showing 1200 by 2018 - so the question around that - this has been build new school and portable shows up - looiing to see if trying to keep cost down - keep current protables or Jackie - do need to address the portable question that keeps coming ujp and portables never going to go away accommodating studnt s- how does it fit into the campaign TRraic - take five -minute break . Nancy - planning 8 years of advance staying iwthin budget - change from 8 year to four year closer to buiolding the budget with more current enrollemnt projections - Siri - current proejuctions showing more than we are building for clear just need to be honest with htat.
Traci - how much capacity get us Jackie - next steps - is there going to be a rerun of the bond - yes or no / when and when it is is - April 22 primary in August and November general election - can only run twice in calendar year - Nancy - motion do the bond again this year - Siri - Seconded - run a bond measure this year.M Motion carries unanimously. Nancy - make a motion move that we do four year bond - take the option 2 to do a four year bond - Janen - do a measure other than April prepare diffeent resoluion and we will have additional timel. Nancy - discuss time first - 2178 if not got ot April decision - later date and new resolution n- Nancy moved 2178 - Chris - seconded. OPen for dicussion - Amount and the date - Traci - part of the discussion finish up protable quetion. Janen - disrictwide basis - look at it gloablly would reduce the reliance on elementary by 56% , MS 73% and eliminate reliance on portables a tthe HS all toether - first four years - and 100% at HS given the current stadnard of service - Jackie - Puttin bond $404 on the April 22 2014 Ballot and this is theof rth econstruction and equipment for three elmentary schools, a new MS west side STEM focused schjool and addition at LWHS, a rebuilding of Juantia HS and capital for additional projects - $404 million would be for Chris - three election cyclle - April August or Nov. August terrible to get educatoin voters and on vacatioin - it becomes to hit 60% or 40% last general election to matter - is November at all preferable to April - if we success this year 21 million in down stream construction cost Traci - stay to origianl timeline 'Chirs - 21 million to trake it back off the shelf - any other enthusian - Traci - Jackie - FYI - KC measure on April 22 ballot - KC measure is saving Metro transportation - increase car tab and increase in sales tax and money is to be used fro Metro and road projects and country - want folks to know it iw ill be on the ballot also - - Election costs would be sahred - Schedule implications - April 3 million,l August 2014 - 10 million, NOv. 2014 $21million - staying on track - just spent and not spent if you delay - what we looked at to stay on schedule invest this must to stay on schedule - those costs - investing 21 million to stay on schedule - if we didn't pass the bond, then we racking up additionalo cost for shelving the proejct - Mark - we had some momentum - concern me is time needed for good educational campaign that informs an electorate tht is very set - certain segment middle area commuications for 30 year an 8 week caqmpaign aint easy trying to get people to change their mind set - 8 weeks is very short - major concern to me effectively and reach the public - reach more seniors - people who don't have skin in the game reach out to those neighbors . Jackie - knowing how long ot rampup and participation we have in our community 2 year process six months active work,k if we want to Nv have to wait all over - whole new leadership - just additional compoent to the education of what you speak do extra work aorund the work that helped us this time. Mark - my concern burned out a lot of people - worked themselves to frazzle and concern they have caacity to keep on going - Nancy there are pros and cons of any decision we make- why don't schools run the ballot i Nov - why we wdon't run things in Nov. we still have the issue of validation - Janen- requirement o validate doesnt change still workin goff the last november election what we found not run into validatoin issu e- substantially above amoutn required for validation - so it hasn't ben an issue like it use to - Nov election sete up for validation int he issue - Janene- when you run your election -the last general election - Nancy - my other concern waiting to Nov losting momentum putting us six months more out - can we meet the concern of the 8 week window Mark - transp0oration ballot on April and that will be blody - Jackie - Eyemn on Nov. and gun resolutio is on Nov and hot buttons for th epublic - Not saying No people will change the mind based on size may looka t smaller dollar amoutn and would ahvesupproted the schools don't know if it will change some of the no votes - closer when they just voted so some of the ifnormation is still fresh - Siri - some very similar concerns in thr short time frame - think the nov general election does have those isue s- work on clearer message and oppourntity one piece we have heard was confused was not clear in result to modernization vs. growth - the splt makes it clearer - do think don't rush into something - so the concern I have would be don't have appropriate time which to do educational componetn to ensure that we do need capacity - Mark - if we move april date than really advise everyone need a sharp one or two messages dont' need a blanket campacign has to be short message overcrowdeed and continued growth - Chris - from the school district - itis informational message - 27 bilds aalready overcrodwed - Traci helps the discussion at all - think from the districtg perspective regardless of the timeframe we will ensure that we do a informal campaign adn get clear messaging our commitment regardless of the distirct clear conciser informal campaign for the measure should we move forward with the April timelien JHacki -really beleive thiat is crisis mode dedicion need to make sure we have the knowledge resources to address the growth that is coming don't think we cqan wait and elay it water down the message how important making this decision and knowing having facilities will that cvhange the furer out we push it. Does that change that messaging coming back t his quikcly we need this to happen so we don't ahe to to the list people aren't going to be happy about our realty if we don't have space. Mark - if we can have campaign that fovuses on the covercrowding and can make that happen I would move the question - Jackie -JHS is a capacity issu e- wouldn't hqave been aprtof growth because of th growth in Kirkland - Mark - I move the question - I have reserations - if we have a clear concise massage that one bullet point one target I am for it move the question Jackie - want to make sure evyeron has a chance to say their pei ce. Siri - reservatiosn with both that each could work - believe that way in which we structure that educatoinal piece is key and how it is done and that will clear with th voters - Jackie - not get mired in the secon half piece - Siri - nee4d that will be addressed - not get mired down i the seocnd piece. Siri - will not deal with all the portable s- dones['t resolve that completely - the one piece that has to address is cost conponent - why do we say what we say for the cost of an elementary school - but being clear on that - wouold be important - and Chri s- my sole concern terrified I do believe thati is a crisis - I think our best chnces we need to hone on - we hear you - that was a lot o fmoney to ask for - we will come back in four years to talk about ti. The piece that is worried about phasing actual doesn't break out $404 line item capital planning - % of the total budget - $40 million for this - Jackie - don't think you can put it in here - Janene - we incldued all that information in the official campaign broken out in each project cost but have bond detail square footage and plan to do that- ballot measure 100 words so there is no way already at 100 words right now. Is crucial for the infrmation campaign. Vote - Jackie - before us motion and second 2178 - which is to put a bond measur eon the april 22 2014 ballot for $404 million - and Motion carries.
Jaclkoie we will be part of the voters' pamplet - reviewing deadlien s- committee that will ask pro statement - post ont he web asking people to be part of the con statement and contact the two pepole if the y would liek to do it again and then we will have to verify whenthat decision by the board needs to be made - accept the people who have submitted their anems - - If we have to ahve a vote before the 10th we will get back to yhou - advertize if people would liek to submit their names and get information out quickly . Traci - our next stpe will be to immedliately develop a plan and timelien on the campaign. Jackie -very clear and very simple.
H. Superintendent Report
Janen - enrollment projecdtions - 2012-13 - many students going to be in the proejcts are in the system right now - seeing bigger incoming classes than we are exiting students in high school Thischart shows compairson of enrollment projectiosn vs. current capacity Reviewed enollment ccapacity by learning community Enrollment has been gorwing - 2012-13 enrollment was 25,309 and 13-14 26,089 - 4000 more students expected by 201-22 - 8 ears from now - monitors King County irths, tracks all development,uses a formula to determine number of students to expect State funding for ADK expectedto increase space needed. Traci - Project rationale - Chirs - Overcrowding now or int he next 8 years Janene - next four years LWHS Addition - new schol built in 2011 and now being considered for addition - Facility planning for new school occurred prior to grade reconfiguratoin to four year high schools - movement to four year high schools reduced the need for additional elementary school - we would have needed seven new elementary schools vs,. three had we not reconfigured Facility was designed with future expansion in mind. Traci - Stem - one piece of data helpful to share demand we expereienced for CHOICE schools - this year's data secondary school 2,408 applications for 438 spots. So conintues to be desire for these rprograms and move to the next slide - opened the new STEM on eastside who that school is serving - looked at number of appliancants applied from each high school - STEM is curenlty serving more students on tghe eastside. This will provide equity and access. We were building STEM program s in all of our schools. Ju
Juantia was biklt in 1971 - STEM school to be located on JHS campus, Building study resutls - current bilding has 26,000 fewer than ed spec, remodeling ot meet current ed spec would be dififuclt - remodeling would require numerosu moves and phasing resulting in grealty extended timelien and would limi substntial improvement to ubs and parking footprints. Traci - as we talk modernization studies are done before moderniztion to bild new schol or remodel current school is the best way to go . This new in lieu study being referenced here an why that study shows remodeling JHS would be challening and rebuilding would be the way to go. Jackie not talking non knowledged person - very important o me on this important school - buildings shoudl last another 40-60 years - remember some of the schools built weren't bilt to last that long- conversatiosn comparing rebuilding fo ryour home that old - wear and tear can compare a house - have the conersation public faciliteis similar type of use and activity compared ot a person's home - permits ahve changes a lot d - just watching show house odernized digging find osmething you didn't have budget change - asbestos - so all that comes into play - we do and have maintain JHS and levy dollars put in ther emany times over the last 10 years leakingk flat roof - adddress heat issue s- elecricity is not adequate an dcommunal spaces are not sufficient - all that said take all tha tinto place int he facility itself and evaluate from that standpoint - we we can compare house with publci faciliteis - I believe in keepign old buliding sas long as you can - reach a point can't fix it any nmore - ,. Mark - open campus - redo it Nancy - open concept in 70's when if it wasn't for the Board of Health no windows - as few as they can get away - open concept di not work - threw up walls - heating ventiliatoin doesn't accommodate that - we bilt blidings cheap on this four phase modernisaiotn plan in the past bildings were built 20 year program and 30 year proram - poor design flat roofs - area cost allowances state uses as funding formula do not reflect realty for any one inthe school - because the state not enough money to fund capital needs for the state comes up with formla to help with allocation - Not district receive a lot of capital supprot fromt he sate - but do not receive a lot - many parts of the stat so economica depressed they need more support from the sate. Siri - JLC has to be slide - has to be right now is Janene - 1100 for the enrollment Siir - and portbles for th erest Janene - STEM 600 and 400 growth - Siri - current overcrowding and future enrollmenta tthe same tiem Janene - between LWHS and rebuilding of LWHS and STEM would address within those two learning communitieis - 500 at LWHS, and 300 at JHS and 600at STEM. Chris - can't remodel to standards and laod bearing - could think current ed specs Nancy - current remodel bring it to code - Nancy - each school is looked at for remoddl vs. new in lieu - have to protect students and staff during remodel- Traci - this idea further analyis - focus on our immediate needs $404 million and to deter the longer term needs for a future 2018 bond measure - Janene - History modernizxatoin phases - in 1997 a systematic issues we had with adingh building and devloped plan systematic sound and each bilding every 30 to 40 years for potential pdating. The school district divided into four 8 year pahses. This was a citizen develope process - Reviewed origianl modernizatil schedule - 8 year chucks of time - 1/2 nodernized and the resut of our schools that aren't - 1/2 through a four phase scheduled developed in 1997 to look ahead at all o four schools - 1;2 through that - Complete a promise or pathway to modernize our schools. In 1997 a community process informed the scope and timeline for determining appraoch to modernization - developed an educational specificatoin - standarrd of service - process determined that we need to fdo more than just warm safe and dry - this helped shape the modernizatoin program to fdate. Traci - two part option two providing further analzyi on an opportunity to do the projects we described in April 2014 measure and defer tose needs to 2018 opportunity to reenage the community, revaluate our histroic apprao h and ensure alignment to our strategic goals as an organization. Traci -why TDB amount - because if we conduct a procvess and community engagement determine our approach to a further project pont' have an estatimed amount ther - we stlll have th eprojects to be neeeded - now step back to April 2014 - the first part of the two phase and talk about the cost behind it and implications of that 404 million.
Siri - # for RHS - Janene - chart shows progression of feeder pattern as establishe d- variancves can affect - doesn't show the number of students that variancesd into RHS. Siris Janene - will need to rebalance the district and help to blance the high schools - Siri - fix the slide - permanent and Janene - slide isn't updated for the current year Nancy - RHS does not need additional work before Janen reboudnarying an daddiutioanls sort in STEM East for additional sutdnes Mark - how muchg more money will it cost us by delayhiing these projects Janene - running bond measure - april allows us to stay on schedule - two projects - assuming 2018 measure an doutcome projects in that timeframe could still maintain the same schedule as we had - chunking ask into two sections - EHS nd STEM would be delayed and International focused School - Nancy - everythign goes up and how much you can origianlly handle Janene - slight inflationary increase 2 years - Determination if new in lieu vesus moderniaion . Nancy OSPI regulates all of it - ed specs - gets revise with each bond - and community process built on that - question Chris - opporrtuntiy revise the role o frenovation in the district - what is our comitment - started I hve done it more than one time - we can course correct - opportunity to reveist and rework - Traci - this timeliune option 2 in two parts an opportunity keep origianl timeline focus first on the schools for growth and than to reconven some communityh process how to approach modernization and accomplish the resto f the projects -
Mark -have concern any feedback - splitting the bond - get the cost down - if you split the bond perception that we are being disengenious in th edollar amoutn we asked for - that is my concern - Traci - how we frame it - look at our needs for the enxt 8 years - dollar amount was just too high - our needs haven't changed - accomplish the dollar amount iwll change accomplish the samne projects in the smae timeline but ask for the funding in two seaparte chunks and oopportunity to look at those moderniation schedule - look at the proejcts 2018 and to do cost analysis - so I think it is educatoin piece and how our framing i t- our needs havne't changed - saying this is what we need to accomplish the first four years - these are th the projects in four years - pretty soon for th enext 8 years do it in two separate asks. Marlk - intereste rates are low and cost of bonds - it will cost more int he future Janene - under the municipal bond rules we can oly sale the bonds within three years 85% of what we think we wil psend in three years - federal laws prevent you from selling 155 bond issue selling them all tomorrow and banking tha tmoney - have to sell tham as you go. Han
Janene - Cost Analysis - Updates Assessed Value (AV) Assumptions - Traci - If April measure fails - another measure couold not be run in 2014. Immediate steps to determine how to house students - reduce or eliminate all day K double shifting K-12 add additional portables chagne delivery models districtwide boundary process change to school year calendar (year round_ Other
Chris - no matter what we will have to redo boundary Traci - yes that is corect - syaing we would not have to reboudnary - but we could take a look at some otpion s there - these are al.l just options - Stufents are comin and need to provided education for sudents come to us. Jackiei - how many schools are closed to variances - Jackie - one or two - ] Jackie - how many schools are on open list - 7 elementary and three middle schools are open to varianes to a shcool do not live in geographic attendance are. traci - on an annual basis how that is deteremined Janene - explained process of updating open and closed school list - Chris - 27 elementary 20 of them are locse4d - 7 MS and only 3 MS are open - and numbers are growing by 500 schools annually four year projectiosn puts all of them closed - We are addinhg an elementary school to our district each year. Horrific things if we can't build more schools. Jackie -huge community use of our bildings - and we want them - this is their taxes and should ahve access - anytie to schedule fall back - not enough meetinh place for all the groups need to get togetrher to do their business - huge imact ont eh community lost some of the ability to use th espace if some of these remedies have to come to frutiion Nancy - some shoul dhave larger class sizes -most people fdo not and the state movign toward even smaller space class size - like with ADK or wantinh to required more PE requires more facilities - Traci - to keep to the timelien how to spend more dollars and look at the work session we need to spend $21 million of planing if we waited until november - to stay on schedule -
Siri -what is the overall capacity number we are providng int he new revised - we have portables - for elementary school will it take care of portables on current properyt or still a componetn here to address - in RLC - 1100 showing 1200 by 2018 - so the question around that - this has been build new school and portable shows up - looiing to see if trying to keep cost down - keep current protables or Jackie - do need to address the portable question that keeps coming ujp and portables never going to go away accommodating studnt s- how does it fit into the campaign TRraic - take five -minute break . Nancy - planning 8 years of advance staying iwthin budget - change from 8 year to four year closer to buiolding the budget with more current enrollemnt projections - Siri - current proejuctions showing more than we are building for clear just need to be honest with htat.
Traci - how much capacity get us Jackie - next steps - is there going to be a rerun of the bond - yes or no / when and when it is is - April 22 primary in August and November general election - can only run twice in calendar year - Nancy - motion do the bond again this year - Siri - Seconded - run a bond measure this year.M Motion carries unanimously. Nancy - make a motion move that we do four year bond - take the option 2 to do a four year bond - Janen - do a measure other than April prepare diffeent resoluion and we will have additional timel. Nancy - discuss time first - 2178 if not got ot April decision - later date and new resolution n- Nancy moved 2178 - Chris - seconded. OPen for dicussion - Amount and the date - Traci - part of the discussion finish up protable quetion. Janen - disrictwide basis - look at it gloablly would reduce the reliance on elementary by 56% , MS 73% and eliminate reliance on portables a tthe HS all toether - first four years - and 100% at HS given the current stadnard of service - Jackie - Puttin bond $404 on the April 22 2014 Ballot and this is theof rth econstruction and equipment for three elmentary schools, a new MS west side STEM focused schjool and addition at LWHS, a rebuilding of Juantia HS and capital for additional projects - $404 million would be for Chris - three election cyclle - April August or Nov. August terrible to get educatoin voters and on vacatioin - it becomes to hit 60% or 40% last general election to matter - is November at all preferable to April - if we success this year 21 million in down stream construction cost Traci - stay to origianl timeline 'Chirs - 21 million to trake it back off the shelf - any other enthusian - Traci - Jackie - FYI - KC measure on April 22 ballot - KC measure is saving Metro transportation - increase car tab and increase in sales tax and money is to be used fro Metro and road projects and country - want folks to know it iw ill be on the ballot also - - Election costs would be sahred - Schedule implications - April 3 million,l August 2014 - 10 million, NOv. 2014 $21million - staying on track - just spent and not spent if you delay - what we looked at to stay on schedule invest this must to stay on schedule - those costs - investing 21 million to stay on schedule - if we didn't pass the bond, then we racking up additionalo cost for shelving the proejct - Mark - we had some momentum - concern me is time needed for good educational campaign that informs an electorate tht is very set - certain segment middle area commuications for 30 year an 8 week caqmpaign aint easy trying to get people to change their mind set - 8 weeks is very short - major concern to me effectively and reach the public - reach more seniors - people who don't have skin in the game reach out to those neighbors . Jackie - knowing how long ot rampup and participation we have in our community 2 year process six months active work,k if we want to Nv have to wait all over - whole new leadership - just additional compoent to the education of what you speak do extra work aorund the work that helped us this time. Mark - my concern burned out a lot of people - worked themselves to frazzle and concern they have caacity to keep on going - Nancy there are pros and cons of any decision we make- why don't schools run the ballot i Nov - why we wdon't run things in Nov. we still have the issue of validation - Janen- requirement o validate doesnt change still workin goff the last november election what we found not run into validatoin issu e- substantially above amoutn required for validation - so it hasn't ben an issue like it use to - Nov election sete up for validation int he issue - Janene- when you run your election -the last general election - Nancy - my other concern waiting to Nov losting momentum putting us six months more out - can we meet the concern of the 8 week window Mark - transp0oration ballot on April and that will be blody - Jackie - Eyemn on Nov. and gun resolutio is on Nov and hot buttons for th epublic - Not saying No people will change the mind based on size may looka t smaller dollar amoutn and would ahvesupproted the schools don't know if it will change some of the no votes - closer when they just voted so some of the ifnormation is still fresh - Siri - some very similar concerns in thr short time frame - think the nov general election does have those isue s- work on clearer message and oppourntity one piece we have heard was confused was not clear in result to modernization vs. growth - the splt makes it clearer - do think don't rush into something - so the concern I have would be don't have appropriate time which to do educational componetn to ensure that we do need capacity - Mark - if we move april date than really advise everyone need a sharp one or two messages dont' need a blanket campacign has to be short message overcrowdeed and continued growth - Chris - from the school district - itis informational message - 27 bilds aalready overcrodwed - Traci helps the discussion at all - think from the districtg perspective regardless of the timeframe we will ensure that we do a informal campaign adn get clear messaging our commitment regardless of the distirct clear conciser informal campaign for the measure should we move forward with the April timelien JHacki -really beleive thiat is crisis mode dedicion need to make sure we have the knowledge resources to address the growth that is coming don't think we cqan wait and elay it water down the message how important making this decision and knowing having facilities will that cvhange the furer out we push it. Does that change that messaging coming back t his quikcly we need this to happen so we don't ahe to to the list people aren't going to be happy about our realty if we don't have space. Mark - if we can have campaign that fovuses on the covercrowding and can make that happen I would move the question - Jackie -JHS is a capacity issu e- wouldn't hqave been aprtof growth because of th growth in Kirkland - Mark - I move the question - I have reserations - if we have a clear concise massage that one bullet point one target I am for it move the question Jackie - want to make sure evyeron has a chance to say their pei ce. Siri - reservatiosn with both that each could work - believe that way in which we structure that educatoinal piece is key and how it is done and that will clear with th voters - Jackie - not get mired in the secon half piece - Siri - nee4d that will be addressed - not get mired down i the seocnd piece. Siri - will not deal with all the portable s- dones['t resolve that completely - the one piece that has to address is cost conponent - why do we say what we say for the cost of an elementary school - but being clear on that - wouold be important - and Chri s- my sole concern terrified I do believe thati is a crisis - I think our best chnces we need to hone on - we hear you - that was a lot o fmoney to ask for - we will come back in four years to talk about ti. The piece that is worried about phasing actual doesn't break out $404 line item capital planning - % of the total budget - $40 million for this - Jackie - don't think you can put it in here - Janene - we incldued all that information in the official campaign broken out in each project cost but have bond detail square footage and plan to do that- ballot measure 100 words so there is no way already at 100 words right now. Is crucial for the infrmation campaign. Vote - Jackie - before us motion and second 2178 - which is to put a bond measur eon the april 22 2014 ballot for $404 million - and Motion carries.
Jaclkoie we will be part of the voters' pamplet - reviewing deadlien s- committee that will ask pro statement - post ont he web asking people to be part of the con statement and contact the two pepole if the y would liek to do it again and then we will have to verify whenthat decision by the board needs to be made - accept the people who have submitted their anems - - If we have to ahve a vote before the 10th we will get back to yhou - advertize if people would liek to submit their names and get information out quickly . Traci - our next stpe will be to immedliately develop a plan and timelien on the campaign. Jackie -very clear and very simple.
I. Legislative Update
J. Board Follow-Up
M. Board Member Comments
N. Adjourn
Mar 03, 2014 March 3, 2014 Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Full agenda
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Full agenda
A. Convene, Roll Call - March 3, 2014, 7:00 p.m.
B. Approve Agenda
C. Host School - Sandy Dennehy, Principal, Keller Elementary School
D. Recognition - Assistance League of the Eastside and Proclamation - Classified School Employee Week, March 10-14, 2014
E. Public Comment
F. Consent Agenda
G. Non-Consent Agenda
H. Superintendent Report
Janen - enrollment projecdtions - 2012-13 - many students going to be in the proejcts are in the system right now - seeing bigger incoming classes than we are exiting students in high school Thischart shows compairson of enrollment projectiosn vs. current capacity Reviewed enollment ccapacity by learning community Enrollment has been gorwing - 2012-13 enrollment was 25,309 and 13-14 26,089 - 4000 more students expected by 201-22 - 8 ears from now - monitors King County irths, tracks all development,uses a formula to determine number of students to expect State funding for ADK expectedto increase space needed. Traci - Project rationale - Chirs - Overcrowding now or int he next 8 years Janene - next four years LWHS Addition - new schol built in 2011 and now being considered for addition - Facility planning for new school occurred prior to grade reconfiguratoin to four year high schools - movement to four year high schools reduced the need for additional elementary school - we would have needed seven new elementary schools vs,. three had we not reconfigured Facility was designed with future expansion in mind. Traci - Stem - one piece of data helpful to share demand we expereienced for CHOICE schools - this year's data secondary school 2,408 applications for 438 spots. So conintues to be desire for these rprograms and move to the next slide - opened the new STEM on eastside who that school is serving - looked at number of appliancants applied from each high school - STEM is curenlty serving more students on tghe eastside. This will provide equity and access. We were building STEM program s in all of our schools. Ju
Juantia was biklt in 1971 - STEM school to be located on JHS campus, Building study resutls - current bilding has 26,000 fewer than ed spec, remodeling ot meet current ed spec would be dififuclt - remodeling would require numerosu moves and phasing resulting in grealty extended timelien and would limi substntial improvement to ubs and parking footprints. Traci - as we talk modernization studies are done before moderniztion to bild new schol or remodel current school is the best way to go . This new in lieu study being referenced here an why that study shows remodeling JHS would be challening and rebuilding would be the way to go. Jackie not talking non knowledged person - very important o me on this important school - buildings shoudl last another 40-60 years - remember some of the schools built weren't bilt to last that long- conversatiosn comparing rebuilding fo ryour home that old - wear and tear can compare a house - have the conersation public faciliteis similar type of use and activity compared ot a person's home - permits ahve changes a lot d - just watching show house odernized digging find osmething you didn't have budget change - asbestos - so all that comes into play - we do and have maintain JHS and levy dollars put in ther emany times over the last 10 years leakingk flat roof - adddress heat issue s- elecricity is not adequate an dcommunal spaces are not sufficient - all that said take all tha tinto place int he facility itself and evaluate from that standpoint - we we can compare house with publci faciliteis - I believe in keepign old buliding sas long as you can - reach a point can't fix it any nmore - ,. Mark - open campus - redo it Nancy - open concept in 70's when if it wasn't for the Board of Health no windows - as few as they can get away - open concept di not work - threw up walls - heating ventiliatoin doesn't accommodate that - we bilt blidings cheap on this four phase modernisaiotn plan in the past bildings were built 20 year program and 30 year proram - poor design flat roofs - area cost allowances state uses as funding formula do not reflect realty for any one inthe school - because the state not enough money to fund capital needs for the state comes up with formla to help with allocation - Not district receive a lot of capital supprot fromt he sate - but do not receive a lot - many parts of the stat so economica depressed they need more support from the sate. Siri - JLC has to be slide - has to be right now is Janene - 1100 for the enrollment Siir - and portbles for th erest Janene - STEM 600 and 400 growth - Siri - current overcrowding and future enrollmenta tthe same tiem Janene - between LWHS and rebuilding of LWHS and STEM would address within those two learning communitieis - 500 at LWHS, and 300 at JHS and 600at STEM. Chris - can't remodel to standards and laod bearing - could think current ed specs Nancy - current remodel bring it to code - Nancy - each school is looked at for remoddl vs. new in lieu - have to protect students and staff during remodel- Traci - this idea further analyis - focus on our immediate needs $404 million and to deter the longer term needs for a future 2018 bond measure - Janene - History modernizxatoin phases - in 1997 a systematic issues we had with adingh building and devloped plan systematic sound and each bilding every 30 to 40 years for potential pdating. The school district divided into four 8 year pahses. This was a citizen develope process - Reviewed origianl modernizatil schedule - 8 year chucks of time - 1/2 nodernized and the resut of our schools that aren't - 1/2 through a four phase scheduled developed in 1997 to look ahead at all o four schools - 1;2 through that - Complete a promise or pathway to modernize our schools. In 1997 a community process informed the scope and timeline for determining appraoch to modernization - developed an educational specificatoin - standarrd of service - process determined that we need to fdo more than just warm safe and dry - this helped shape the modernizatoin program to fdate. Traci - two part option two providing further analzyi on an opportunity to do the projects we described in April 2014 measure and defer tose needs to 2018 opportunity to reenage the community, revaluate our histroic apprao h and ensure alignment to our strategic goals as an organization. Traci -why TDB amount - because if we conduct a procvess and community engagement determine our approach to a further project pont' have an estatimed amount ther - we stlll have th eprojects to be neeeded - now step back to April 2014 - the first part of the two phase and talk about the cost behind it and implications of that 404 million.
Siri - # for RHS - Janene - chart shows progression of feeder pattern as establishe d- variancves can affect - doesn't show the number of students that variancesd into RHS. Siris Janene - will need to rebalance the district and help to blance the high schools - Siri - fix the slide - permanent and Janene - slide isn't updated for the current year Nancy - RHS does not need additional work before Janen reboudnarying an daddiutioanls sort in STEM East for additional sutdnes Mark - how muchg more money will it cost us by delayhiing these projects Janene - running bond measure - april allows us to stay on schedule - two projects - assuming 2018 measure an doutcome projects in that timeframe could still maintain the same schedule as we had - chunking ask into two sections - EHS nd STEM would be delayed and International focused School - Nancy - everythign goes up and how much you can origianlly handle Janene - slight inflationary increase 2 years - Determination if new in lieu vesus moderniaion . Nancy OSPI regulates all of it - ed specs - gets revise with each bond - and community process built on that - question Chris - opporrtuntiy revise the role o frenovation in the district - what is our comitment - started I hve done it more than one time - we can course correct - opportunity to reveist and rework - Traci - this timeliune option 2 in two parts an opportunity keep origianl timeline focus first on the schools for growth and than to reconven some communityh process how to approach modernization and accomplish the resto f the projects -
Mark -have concern any feedback - splitting the bond - get the cost down - if you split the bond perception that we are being disengenious in th edollar amoutn we asked for - that is my concern - Traci - how we frame it - look at our needs for the enxt 8 years - dollar amount was just too high - our needs haven't changed - accomplish the dollar amount iwll change accomplish the samne projects in the smae timeline but ask for the funding in two seaparte chunks and oopportunity to look at those moderniation schedule - look at the proejcts 2018 and to do cost analysis - so I think it is educatoin piece and how our framing i t- our needs havne't changed - saying this is what we need to accomplish the first four years - these are th the projects in four years - pretty soon for th enext 8 years do it in two separate asks. Marlk - intereste rates are low and cost of bonds - it will cost more int he future Janene - under the municipal bond rules we can oly sale the bonds within three years 85% of what we think we wil psend in three years - federal laws prevent you from selling 155 bond issue selling them all tomorrow and banking tha tmoney - have to sell tham as you go. Han
Janene - Cost Analysis - Updates Assessed Value (AV) Assumptions - Traci - If April measure fails - another measure couold not be run in 2014. Immediate steps to determine how to house students - reduce or eliminate all day K double shifting K-12 add additional portables chagne delivery models districtwide boundary process change to school year calendar (year round_ Other
Chris - no matter what we will have to redo boundary Traci - yes that is corect - syaing we would not have to reboudnary - but we could take a look at some otpion s there - these are al.l just options - Stufents are comin and need to provided education for sudents come to us. Jackiei - how many schools are closed to variances - Jackie - one or two - ] Jackie - how many schools are on open list - 7 elementary and three middle schools are open to varianes to a shcool do not live in geographic attendance are. traci - on an annual basis how that is deteremined Janene - explained process of updating open and closed school list - Chris - 27 elementary 20 of them are locse4d - 7 MS and only 3 MS are open - and numbers are growing by 500 schools annually four year projectiosn puts all of them closed - We are addinhg an elementary school to our district each year. Horrific things if we can't build more schools. Jackie -huge community use of our bildings - and we want them - this is their taxes and should ahve access - anytie to schedule fall back - not enough meetinh place for all the groups need to get togetrher to do their business - huge imact ont eh community lost some of the ability to use th espace if some of these remedies have to come to frutiion Nancy - some shoul dhave larger class sizes -most people fdo not and the state movign toward even smaller space class size - like with ADK or wantinh to required more PE requires more facilities - Traci - to keep to the timelien how to spend more dollars and look at the work session we need to spend $21 million of planing if we waited until november - to stay on schedule -
Siri -what is the overall capacity number we are providng int he new revised - we have portables - for elementary school will it take care of portables on current properyt or still a componetn here to address - in RLC - 1100 showing 1200 by 2018 - so the question around that - this has been build new school and portable shows up - looiing to see if trying to keep cost down - keep current protables or Jackie - do need to address the portable question that keeps coming ujp and portables never going to go away accommodating studnt s- how does it fit into the campaign TRraic - take five -minute break . Nancy - planning 8 years of advance staying iwthin budget - change from 8 year to four year closer to buiolding the budget with more current enrollemnt projections - Siri - current proejuctions showing more than we are building for clear just need to be honest with htat.
Traci - how much capacity get us Jackie - next steps - is there going to be a rerun of the bond - yes or no / when and when it is is - April 22 primary in August and November general election - can only run twice in calendar year - Nancy - motion do the bond again this year - Siri - Seconded - run a bond measure this year.M Motion carries unanimously. Nancy - make a motion move that we do four year bond - take the option 2 to do a four year bond - Janen - do a measure other than April prepare diffeent resoluion and we will have additional timel. Nancy - discuss time first - 2178 if not got ot April decision - later date and new resolution n- Nancy moved 2178 - Chris - seconded. OPen for dicussion - Amount and the date - Traci - part of the discussion finish up protable quetion. Janen - disrictwide basis - look at it gloablly would reduce the reliance on elementary by 56% , MS 73% and eliminate reliance on portables a tthe HS all toether - first four years - and 100% at HS given the current stadnard of service - Jackie - Puttin bond $404 on the April 22 2014 Ballot and this is theof rth econstruction and equipment for three elmentary schools, a new MS west side STEM focused schjool and addition at LWHS, a rebuilding of Juantia HS and capital for additional projects - $404 million would be for Chris - three election cyclle - April August or Nov. August terrible to get educatoin voters and on vacatioin - it becomes to hit 60% or 40% last general election to matter - is November at all preferable to April - if we success this year 21 million in down stream construction cost Traci - stay to origianl timeline 'Chirs - 21 million to trake it back off the shelf - any other enthusian - Traci - Jackie - FYI - KC measure on April 22 ballot - KC measure is saving Metro transportation - increase car tab and increase in sales tax and money is to be used fro Metro and road projects and country - want folks to know it iw ill be on the ballot also - - Election costs would be sahred - Schedule implications - April 3 million,l August 2014 - 10 million, NOv. 2014 $21million - staying on track - just spent and not spent if you delay - what we looked at to stay on schedule invest this must to stay on schedule - those costs - investing 21 million to stay on schedule - if we didn't pass the bond, then we racking up additionalo cost for shelving the proejct - Mark - we had some momentum - concern me is time needed for good educational campaign that informs an electorate tht is very set - certain segment middle area commuications for 30 year an 8 week caqmpaign aint easy trying to get people to change their mind set - 8 weeks is very short - major concern to me effectively and reach the public - reach more seniors - people who don't have skin in the game reach out to those neighbors . Jackie - knowing how long ot rampup and participation we have in our community 2 year process six months active work,k if we want to Nv have to wait all over - whole new leadership - just additional compoent to the education of what you speak do extra work aorund the work that helped us this time. Mark - my concern burned out a lot of people - worked themselves to frazzle and concern they have caacity to keep on going - Nancy there are pros and cons of any decision we make- why don't schools run the ballot i Nov - why we wdon't run things in Nov. we still have the issue of validation - Janen- requirement o validate doesnt change still workin goff the last november election what we found not run into validatoin issu e- substantially above amoutn required for validation - so it hasn't ben an issue like it use to - Nov election sete up for validation int he issue - Janene- when you run your election -the last general election - Nancy - my other concern waiting to Nov losting momentum putting us six months more out - can we meet the concern of the 8 week window Mark - transp0oration ballot on April and that will be blody - Jackie - Eyemn on Nov. and gun resolutio is on Nov and hot buttons for th epublic - Not saying No people will change the mind based on size may looka t smaller dollar amoutn and would ahvesupproted the schools don't know if it will change some of the no votes - closer when they just voted so some of the ifnormation is still fresh - Siri - some very similar concerns in thr short time frame - think the nov general election does have those isue s- work on clearer message and oppourntity one piece we have heard was confused was not clear in result to modernization vs. growth - the splt makes it clearer - do think don't rush into something - so the concern I have would be don't have appropriate time which to do educational componetn to ensure that we do need capacity - Mark - if we move april date than really advise everyone need a sharp one or two messages dont' need a blanket campacign has to be short message overcrowdeed and continued growth - Chris - from the school district - itis informational message - 27 bilds aalready overcrodwed - Traci helps the discussion at all - think from the districtg perspective regardless of the timeframe we will ensure that we do a informal campaign adn get clear messaging our commitment regardless of the distirct clear conciser informal campaign for the measure should we move forward with the April timelien JHacki -really beleive thiat is crisis mode dedicion need to make sure we have the knowledge resources to address the growth that is coming don't think we cqan wait and elay it water down the message how important making this decision and knowing having facilities will that cvhange the furer out we push it. Does that change that messaging coming back t his quikcly we need this to happen so we don't ahe to to the list people aren't going to be happy about our realty if we don't have space. Mark - if we can have campaign that fovuses on the covercrowding and can make that happen I would move the question - Jackie -JHS is a capacity issu e- wouldn't hqave been aprtof growth because of th growth in Kirkland - Mark - I move the question - I have reserations - if we have a clear concise massage that one bullet point one target I am for it move the question Jackie - want to make sure evyeron has a chance to say their pei ce. Siri - reservatiosn with both that each could work - believe that way in which we structure that educatoinal piece is key and how it is done and that will clear with th voters - Jackie - not get mired in the secon half piece - Siri - nee4d that will be addressed - not get mired down i the seocnd piece. Siri - will not deal with all the portable s- dones['t resolve that completely - the one piece that has to address is cost conponent - why do we say what we say for the cost of an elementary school - but being clear on that - wouold be important - and Chri s- my sole concern terrified I do believe thati is a crisis - I think our best chnces we need to hone on - we hear you - that was a lot o fmoney to ask for - we will come back in four years to talk about ti. The piece that is worried about phasing actual doesn't break out $404 line item capital planning - % of the total budget - $40 million for this - Jackie - don't think you can put it in here - Janene - we incldued all that information in the official campaign broken out in each project cost but have bond detail square footage and plan to do that- ballot measure 100 words so there is no way already at 100 words right now. Is crucial for the infrmation campaign. Vote - Jackie - before us motion and second 2178 - which is to put a bond measur eon the april 22 2014 ballot for $404 million - and Motion carries.
Jaclkoie we will be part of the voters' pamplet - reviewing deadlien s- committee that will ask pro statement - post ont he web asking people to be part of the con statement and contact the two pepole if the y would liek to do it again and then we will have to verify whenthat decision by the board needs to be made - accept the people who have submitted their anems - - If we have to ahve a vote before the 10th we will get back to yhou - advertize if people would liek to submit their names and get information out quickly . Traci - our next stpe will be to immedliately develop a plan and timelien on the campaign. Jackie -very clear and very simple.
H. Superintendent Report
Janen - enrollment projecdtions - 2012-13 - many students going to be in the proejcts are in the system right now - seeing bigger incoming classes than we are exiting students in high school Thischart shows compairson of enrollment projectiosn vs. current capacity Reviewed enollment ccapacity by learning community Enrollment has been gorwing - 2012-13 enrollment was 25,309 and 13-14 26,089 - 4000 more students expected by 201-22 - 8 ears from now - monitors King County irths, tracks all development,uses a formula to determine number of students to expect State funding for ADK expectedto increase space needed. Traci - Project rationale - Chirs - Overcrowding now or int he next 8 years Janene - next four years LWHS Addition - new schol built in 2011 and now being considered for addition - Facility planning for new school occurred prior to grade reconfiguratoin to four year high schools - movement to four year high schools reduced the need for additional elementary school - we would have needed seven new elementary schools vs,. three had we not reconfigured Facility was designed with future expansion in mind. Traci - Stem - one piece of data helpful to share demand we expereienced for CHOICE schools - this year's data secondary school 2,408 applications for 438 spots. So conintues to be desire for these rprograms and move to the next slide - opened the new STEM on eastside who that school is serving - looked at number of appliancants applied from each high school - STEM is curenlty serving more students on tghe eastside. This will provide equity and access. We were building STEM program s in all of our schools. Ju
Juantia was biklt in 1971 - STEM school to be located on JHS campus, Building study resutls - current bilding has 26,000 fewer than ed spec, remodeling ot meet current ed spec would be dififuclt - remodeling would require numerosu moves and phasing resulting in grealty extended timelien and would limi substntial improvement to ubs and parking footprints. Traci - as we talk modernization studies are done before moderniztion to bild new schol or remodel current school is the best way to go . This new in lieu study being referenced here an why that study shows remodeling JHS would be challening and rebuilding would be the way to go. Jackie not talking non knowledged person - very important o me on this important school - buildings shoudl last another 40-60 years - remember some of the schools built weren't bilt to last that long- conversatiosn comparing rebuilding fo ryour home that old - wear and tear can compare a house - have the conersation public faciliteis similar type of use and activity compared ot a person's home - permits ahve changes a lot d - just watching show house odernized digging find osmething you didn't have budget change - asbestos - so all that comes into play - we do and have maintain JHS and levy dollars put in ther emany times over the last 10 years leakingk flat roof - adddress heat issue s- elecricity is not adequate an dcommunal spaces are not sufficient - all that said take all tha tinto place int he facility itself and evaluate from that standpoint - we we can compare house with publci faciliteis - I believe in keepign old buliding sas long as you can - reach a point can't fix it any nmore - ,. Mark - open campus - redo it Nancy - open concept in 70's when if it wasn't for the Board of Health no windows - as few as they can get away - open concept di not work - threw up walls - heating ventiliatoin doesn't accommodate that - we bilt blidings cheap on this four phase modernisaiotn plan in the past bildings were built 20 year program and 30 year proram - poor design flat roofs - area cost allowances state uses as funding formula do not reflect realty for any one inthe school - because the state not enough money to fund capital needs for the state comes up with formla to help with allocation - Not district receive a lot of capital supprot fromt he sate - but do not receive a lot - many parts of the stat so economica depressed they need more support from the sate. Siri - JLC has to be slide - has to be right now is Janene - 1100 for the enrollment Siir - and portbles for th erest Janene - STEM 600 and 400 growth - Siri - current overcrowding and future enrollmenta tthe same tiem Janene - between LWHS and rebuilding of LWHS and STEM would address within those two learning communitieis - 500 at LWHS, and 300 at JHS and 600at STEM. Chris - can't remodel to standards and laod bearing - could think current ed specs Nancy - current remodel bring it to code - Nancy - each school is looked at for remoddl vs. new in lieu - have to protect students and staff during remodel- Traci - this idea further analyis - focus on our immediate needs $404 million and to deter the longer term needs for a future 2018 bond measure - Janene - History modernizxatoin phases - in 1997 a systematic issues we had with adingh building and devloped plan systematic sound and each bilding every 30 to 40 years for potential pdating. The school district divided into four 8 year pahses. This was a citizen develope process - Reviewed origianl modernizatil schedule - 8 year chucks of time - 1/2 nodernized and the resut of our schools that aren't - 1/2 through a four phase scheduled developed in 1997 to look ahead at all o four schools - 1;2 through that - Complete a promise or pathway to modernize our schools. In 1997 a community process informed the scope and timeline for determining appraoch to modernization - developed an educational specificatoin - standarrd of service - process determined that we need to fdo more than just warm safe and dry - this helped shape the modernizatoin program to fdate. Traci - two part option two providing further analzyi on an opportunity to do the projects we described in April 2014 measure and defer tose needs to 2018 opportunity to reenage the community, revaluate our histroic apprao h and ensure alignment to our strategic goals as an organization. Traci -why TDB amount - because if we conduct a procvess and community engagement determine our approach to a further project pont' have an estatimed amount ther - we stlll have th eprojects to be neeeded - now step back to April 2014 - the first part of the two phase and talk about the cost behind it and implications of that 404 million.
Siri - # for RHS - Janene - chart shows progression of feeder pattern as establishe d- variancves can affect - doesn't show the number of students that variancesd into RHS. Siris Janene - will need to rebalance the district and help to blance the high schools - Siri - fix the slide - permanent and Janene - slide isn't updated for the current year Nancy - RHS does not need additional work before Janen reboudnarying an daddiutioanls sort in STEM East for additional sutdnes Mark - how muchg more money will it cost us by delayhiing these projects Janene - running bond measure - april allows us to stay on schedule - two projects - assuming 2018 measure an doutcome projects in that timeframe could still maintain the same schedule as we had - chunking ask into two sections - EHS nd STEM would be delayed and International focused School - Nancy - everythign goes up and how much you can origianlly handle Janene - slight inflationary increase 2 years - Determination if new in lieu vesus moderniaion . Nancy OSPI regulates all of it - ed specs - gets revise with each bond - and community process built on that - question Chris - opporrtuntiy revise the role o frenovation in the district - what is our comitment - started I hve done it more than one time - we can course correct - opportunity to reveist and rework - Traci - this timeliune option 2 in two parts an opportunity keep origianl timeline focus first on the schools for growth and than to reconven some communityh process how to approach modernization and accomplish the resto f the projects -
Mark -have concern any feedback - splitting the bond - get the cost down - if you split the bond perception that we are being disengenious in th edollar amoutn we asked for - that is my concern - Traci - how we frame it - look at our needs for the enxt 8 years - dollar amount was just too high - our needs haven't changed - accomplish the dollar amount iwll change accomplish the samne projects in the smae timeline but ask for the funding in two seaparte chunks and oopportunity to look at those moderniation schedule - look at the proejcts 2018 and to do cost analysis - so I think it is educatoin piece and how our framing i t- our needs havne't changed - saying this is what we need to accomplish the first four years - these are th the projects in four years - pretty soon for th enext 8 years do it in two separate asks. Marlk - intereste rates are low and cost of bonds - it will cost more int he future Janene - under the municipal bond rules we can oly sale the bonds within three years 85% of what we think we wil psend in three years - federal laws prevent you from selling 155 bond issue selling them all tomorrow and banking tha tmoney - have to sell tham as you go. Han
Janene - Cost Analysis - Updates Assessed Value (AV) Assumptions - Traci - If April measure fails - another measure couold not be run in 2014. Immediate steps to determine how to house students - reduce or eliminate all day K double shifting K-12 add additional portables chagne delivery models districtwide boundary process change to school year calendar (year round_ Other
Chris - no matter what we will have to redo boundary Traci - yes that is corect - syaing we would not have to reboudnary - but we could take a look at some otpion s there - these are al.l just options - Stufents are comin and need to provided education for sudents come to us. Jackiei - how many schools are closed to variances - Jackie - one or two - ] Jackie - how many schools are on open list - 7 elementary and three middle schools are open to varianes to a shcool do not live in geographic attendance are. traci - on an annual basis how that is deteremined Janene - explained process of updating open and closed school list - Chris - 27 elementary 20 of them are locse4d - 7 MS and only 3 MS are open - and numbers are growing by 500 schools annually four year projectiosn puts all of them closed - We are addinhg an elementary school to our district each year. Horrific things if we can't build more schools. Jackie -huge community use of our bildings - and we want them - this is their taxes and should ahve access - anytie to schedule fall back - not enough meetinh place for all the groups need to get togetrher to do their business - huge imact ont eh community lost some of the ability to use th espace if some of these remedies have to come to frutiion Nancy - some shoul dhave larger class sizes -most people fdo not and the state movign toward even smaller space class size - like with ADK or wantinh to required more PE requires more facilities - Traci - to keep to the timelien how to spend more dollars and look at the work session we need to spend $21 million of planing if we waited until november - to stay on schedule -
Siri -what is the overall capacity number we are providng int he new revised - we have portables - for elementary school will it take care of portables on current properyt or still a componetn here to address - in RLC - 1100 showing 1200 by 2018 - so the question around that - this has been build new school and portable shows up - looiing to see if trying to keep cost down - keep current protables or Jackie - do need to address the portable question that keeps coming ujp and portables never going to go away accommodating studnt s- how does it fit into the campaign TRraic - take five -minute break . Nancy - planning 8 years of advance staying iwthin budget - change from 8 year to four year closer to buiolding the budget with more current enrollemnt projections - Siri - current proejuctions showing more than we are building for clear just need to be honest with htat.
Traci - how much capacity get us Jackie - next steps - is there going to be a rerun of the bond - yes or no / when and when it is is - April 22 primary in August and November general election - can only run twice in calendar year - Nancy - motion do the bond again this year - Siri - Seconded - run a bond measure this year.M Motion carries unanimously. Nancy - make a motion move that we do four year bond - take the option 2 to do a four year bond - Janen - do a measure other than April prepare diffeent resoluion and we will have additional timel. Nancy - discuss time first - 2178 if not got ot April decision - later date and new resolution n- Nancy moved 2178 - Chris - seconded. OPen for dicussion - Amount and the date - Traci - part of the discussion finish up protable quetion. Janen - disrictwide basis - look at it gloablly would reduce the reliance on elementary by 56% , MS 73% and eliminate reliance on portables a tthe HS all toether - first four years - and 100% at HS given the current stadnard of service - Jackie - Puttin bond $404 on the April 22 2014 Ballot and this is theof rth econstruction and equipment for three elmentary schools, a new MS west side STEM focused schjool and addition at LWHS, a rebuilding of Juantia HS and capital for additional projects - $404 million would be for Chris - three election cyclle - April August or Nov. August terrible to get educatoin voters and on vacatioin - it becomes to hit 60% or 40% last general election to matter - is November at all preferable to April - if we success this year 21 million in down stream construction cost Traci - stay to origianl timeline 'Chirs - 21 million to trake it back off the shelf - any other enthusian - Traci - Jackie - FYI - KC measure on April 22 ballot - KC measure is saving Metro transportation - increase car tab and increase in sales tax and money is to be used fro Metro and road projects and country - want folks to know it iw ill be on the ballot also - - Election costs would be sahred - Schedule implications - April 3 million,l August 2014 - 10 million, NOv. 2014 $21million - staying on track - just spent and not spent if you delay - what we looked at to stay on schedule invest this must to stay on schedule - those costs - investing 21 million to stay on schedule - if we didn't pass the bond, then we racking up additionalo cost for shelving the proejct - Mark - we had some momentum - concern me is time needed for good educational campaign that informs an electorate tht is very set - certain segment middle area commuications for 30 year an 8 week caqmpaign aint easy trying to get people to change their mind set - 8 weeks is very short - major concern to me effectively and reach the public - reach more seniors - people who don't have skin in the game reach out to those neighbors . Jackie - knowing how long ot rampup and participation we have in our community 2 year process six months active work,k if we want to Nv have to wait all over - whole new leadership - just additional compoent to the education of what you speak do extra work aorund the work that helped us this time. Mark - my concern burned out a lot of people - worked themselves to frazzle and concern they have caacity to keep on going - Nancy there are pros and cons of any decision we make- why don't schools run the ballot i Nov - why we wdon't run things in Nov. we still have the issue of validation - Janen- requirement o validate doesnt change still workin goff the last november election what we found not run into validatoin issu e- substantially above amoutn required for validation - so it hasn't ben an issue like it use to - Nov election sete up for validation int he issue - Janene- when you run your election -the last general election - Nancy - my other concern waiting to Nov losting momentum putting us six months more out - can we meet the concern of the 8 week window Mark - transp0oration ballot on April and that will be blody - Jackie - Eyemn on Nov. and gun resolutio is on Nov and hot buttons for th epublic - Not saying No people will change the mind based on size may looka t smaller dollar amoutn and would ahvesupproted the schools don't know if it will change some of the no votes - closer when they just voted so some of the ifnormation is still fresh - Siri - some very similar concerns in thr short time frame - think the nov general election does have those isue s- work on clearer message and oppourntity one piece we have heard was confused was not clear in result to modernization vs. growth - the splt makes it clearer - do think don't rush into something - so the concern I have would be don't have appropriate time which to do educational componetn to ensure that we do need capacity - Mark - if we move april date than really advise everyone need a sharp one or two messages dont' need a blanket campacign has to be short message overcrowdeed and continued growth - Chris - from the school district - itis informational message - 27 bilds aalready overcrodwed - Traci helps the discussion at all - think from the districtg perspective regardless of the timeframe we will ensure that we do a informal campaign adn get clear messaging our commitment regardless of the distirct clear conciser informal campaign for the measure should we move forward with the April timelien JHacki -really beleive thiat is crisis mode dedicion need to make sure we have the knowledge resources to address the growth that is coming don't think we cqan wait and elay it water down the message how important making this decision and knowing having facilities will that cvhange the furer out we push it. Does that change that messaging coming back t his quikcly we need this to happen so we don't ahe to to the list people aren't going to be happy about our realty if we don't have space. Mark - if we can have campaign that fovuses on the covercrowding and can make that happen I would move the question - Jackie -JHS is a capacity issu e- wouldn't hqave been aprtof growth because of th growth in Kirkland - Mark - I move the question - I have reserations - if we have a clear concise massage that one bullet point one target I am for it move the question Jackie - want to make sure evyeron has a chance to say their pei ce. Siri - reservatiosn with both that each could work - believe that way in which we structure that educatoinal piece is key and how it is done and that will clear with th voters - Jackie - not get mired in the secon half piece - Siri - nee4d that will be addressed - not get mired down i the seocnd piece. Siri - will not deal with all the portable s- dones['t resolve that completely - the one piece that has to address is cost conponent - why do we say what we say for the cost of an elementary school - but being clear on that - wouold be important - and Chri s- my sole concern terrified I do believe thati is a crisis - I think our best chnces we need to hone on - we hear you - that was a lot o fmoney to ask for - we will come back in four years to talk about ti. The piece that is worried about phasing actual doesn't break out $404 line item capital planning - % of the total budget - $40 million for this - Jackie - don't think you can put it in here - Janene - we incldued all that information in the official campaign broken out in each project cost but have bond detail square footage and plan to do that- ballot measure 100 words so there is no way already at 100 words right now. Is crucial for the infrmation campaign. Vote - Jackie - before us motion and second 2178 - which is to put a bond measur eon the april 22 2014 ballot for $404 million - and Motion carries.
Jaclkoie we will be part of the voters' pamplet - reviewing deadlien s- committee that will ask pro statement - post ont he web asking people to be part of the con statement and contact the two pepole if the y would liek to do it again and then we will have to verify whenthat decision by the board needs to be made - accept the people who have submitted their anems - - If we have to ahve a vote before the 10th we will get back to yhou - advertize if people would liek to submit their names and get information out quickly . Traci - our next stpe will be to immedliately develop a plan and timelien on the campaign. Jackie -very clear and very simple.
I. Legislative Update
J. Board Follow-Up
M. Board Member Comments
N. Adjourn
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